How to take care of mature skin? My word of advice

Some of you have probably already noticed that the skin aging process begins before thirty years of age. Up to fifty, women can still look on fleek but later, they start aging more visibly. In this case, estrogens are to blame for because their level drops after the age of 50. These hormones regulate the metabolism and hydration of tissues, so when they are decreasing, the skin becomes limp and loses its firmness, and as a result, the wrinkles deepen. Over time, discoloration occurs, and the skin becomes thinner, drier, more sensitive and more susceptible to irritation and sensitization. Its deteriorating condition is not conducive to UV rays, polluted air and chemicals. Is there anything you can do about it? To begin with, try changing cosmetics because the ones you’ve been using so far have not only been enough, and they can also deepen these unfavorable processes. Now it’s time to reach for cosmetics designed for mature skin, which you will recognize especially by the composition. Ingredients that will be of your interest from now on include ceramides, phytohormones (phytoestrogens), algae, stem cells and colloidal gold. Seems like you don’t know how to take care of mature skin? Here are my tips and tricks.


Ceramides are a natural component of skin lipids, specifically the binder filling the intercellular space in the stratum corneum. Ceramides protect the skin against water loss and improve its absorption. Although the skin can produce them by itself, with age, their content in the skin decreases.

The decrease in the number of ceramides results not only from natural aging processes but also from stress, hormonal changes, and adverse external conditions. Regardless of the cause, their loss results in damage to the lipid barrier of the epidermis and, consequently, loss of water. How does it manifest on the skin? The latter becomes thin, dry and less elastic, resulting in wrinkles. Ceramides contained in cosmetics improve the condition of the skin, because they increase the level of its elasticity, hydration, and nutrition. In addition, they regenerate and strengthen its natural barrier, which is the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Ceramides used in cosmetics are obtained from plant and synthetic extracts.

Phytohormones (phytoestrogens)

The wish is father to the thought: if estrogen deficiency accelerates the skin aging process, manufacturers of cosmetics for mature skin try to provide them synthetically. Initially, they used zoonotic hormones, but it soon turned out that their action is too invasive and causes various side effects. For this reason, cosmetics enriched with animal-derived hormones are prohibited in many countries, and plant hormones, especially phytoestrogens, make their ways. In terms of structure and action, they resemble human hormones and are obtained, for example, from immature maize, soy, and wheat germ.

Phytoestrogens widen blood vessels and nourish the skin. In addition, they stimulate cell regeneration and increase their ability to absorb active substances. They provide the skin with proper hydration, which in effect becomes smoothed and tenser. Phytohormones have found application in preparations designed for enhancing face oval because they prevent the deposition of adipose tissue in the area of the lower eyelid, chin, and cheeks.

Sea algae

Marine algae contain a wealth of proteins, vitamins and microelements. The amino acids and hyaluronic acid have a strong moisturizing effect, and carbohydrates regulate sebaceous glands and improve the circulation and metabolism in the skin. In turn, microelements, such as iron, magnesium, zinc, and calcium, accelerate the renewal processes: calcium regenerates and thickens the epidermis and increases the cohesiveness of its cells and strengthens the subcutaneous tissue, while magnesium stimulates the growth of skin cells.

Marine algae consist of lipids that stimulate the regeneration of the epidermis and also proivde antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Active substances that derived from algae have a high ability to penetrate deep into the stratum corneum, so their regular use results in moisturizing the skin as well as improving its tension and elasticity.

Plant stem cells

Plant stem cells have emerged for the same reason as phytohormones: since the skin renewal is slowing down with age (because our own stem cells are working less and less effectively) plant stem cells should stimulate regeneration processes.

And so – plant stem cells contained in cosmetics clearly smooth out deep wrinkles and strengthen the protective hydro-lipid coat, and thus – soothe skin irritations and improve its hydration.

Colloidal gold

Colloidal gold is a suspension of gold particles in water. How does it work? Minor gold particles penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, where they stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and moisturize as well as firm the skin. As a result, cosmetics containing colloidal gold smooth out and reduce wrinkles, slow down the aging process of the skin and improve its color.

How do you take care of mature skin? What ingredients are contained in the cosmetics you use in your daily skin care routines? Are you satisfied with the results? Let me know!

This entry was posted in Care.

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